Ratings for: U.S.

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James DiPalma

almost 11 years

Putting better players on field produced better quality of play. Altidore scores! and looks confident in touch and strike on second goal. Beckerman impressively invisible and effective; not sure how to rate him. Beasley more aggressive and involved. Good sign. Zusi, Gonzalez do not look up to WC play. Zusi's decisions are 1-2 seconds slow and even set piece was off.

Howardtim_supplied Howard
Altidorejozy_supplied Altidore
Dempsey_clint.supplied Dempsey
Bedoyaalejandrofull Bedoya
Beckermankyle Beckerman
Bradleymichael Bradley
Jonesjermaine_ Jones
Beasleydamarcus Beasley
Beslermatt_ Besler
Geoff_cameron_-_qpr_-_headshot_-_2019 Cameron
Supplied_johnsonfabian_ Johnson
Klinsmanjurgen_isi_usmnt_jd_06092012_025_200 Klinsmann
Wondolowskichris Wondolowski
Graham_zusi_-_skc_-_headshot_-_2019 Zusi
Chandlertimothy Chandler
Mix_-_ulsan Diskerud
Omar_gonzalez_-_us_soccer_headshot_-_2019 Gonzalez

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