Ratings for: U.S.

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JB Schwartz

almost 12 years

MB90 was the MOTM. Jozy was great even outside of his goal. EJ and FJ provided width and attack. Besler is our best defender and Geoff really played well and allowed MB90 to shine further up the field. Klinsy got his pregame tactics right but was late on the draw to use subs as we had some tired legs around the 70th.

Howardtim_supplied Howard
Altidorejozy_supplied Altidore
Supplied_johnsonfabian_ Johnson
Dempsey_clint.supplied Dempsey
Johnsoneddie_dc Johnson
Bradleymichael Bradley
Geoff_cameron_-_qpr_-_headshot_-_2019 Cameron
Beasleydamarcus Beasley
Beslermatt_ Besler
Omar_gonzalez_-_us_soccer_headshot_-_2019 Gonzalez
Evansbrad Evans
Klinsmanjurgen_isi_usmnt_jd_06092012_025_200 Klinsmann
Joe_corona_-_club_america_headshot Corona
Holdenstuart_isi_usmntjt0131141388 Holden
Davisbrad_ Davis

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