USA vs. Honduras

Ratings for: U.S.

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Marie Squyres

about 12 years

Chandler was winded in no time, it was sad to watch. BOCA WAS NEEDED HERE, but I guess at some point we needed to throw the Centerback Pairing of the Future in, and this was a better game than later. Still. Bad midfield starting choices held us back, and Edu, Zusi and Kljestan brought more cohesivness to the MF, but it was too late - should've been starters. I will give props to Jones for his essential assist, but that is honestly the first time ever. Gomez would've been a better choice than EJ since Gomez is in season and is always a bit more hungry to be awesome. Klinsi was playing for a draw, not a win, and really could've used some more useful players in both his call-ups and day-of roster. Also, BOCANEGRA. I don't think Boca is the captain even for much more of qualifying, but he should've captained this game, and maybe one or two more after that before trusting the Centerback Pairing of the Future to take over completely. And I've gotta say that I would've chosen Bradley as captain over Howard - we needed the team looking more forward to get their direction.

Howardtim_supplied Howard
Altidorejozy_supplied Altidore
Dempsey_clint.supplied Dempsey
Johnsoneddie_dc Johnson
Williamsdanny Williams
Bradleymichael Bradley
Jonesjermaine_ Jones
Supplied_johnsonfabian_ Johnson
Omar_gonzalez_-_us_soccer_headshot_-_2019 Gonzalez
Geoff_cameron_-_qpr_-_headshot_-_2019 Cameron
Chandlertimothy Chandler
Klinsmanjurgen_isi_usmnt_jd_06092012_025_200 Klinsmann
Edumaurice Edu
Graham_zusi_-_skc_-_headshot_-_2019 Zusi
Sacha_kljestan_-_orlando_-_headshot Kljestan

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