Ratings for: U.S.

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KC Lopez

over 12 years

Klinsmann picked a risky team, and for a moment, it looked like his gambles had failed. He seemed to be grabbing every American citizen playing in a cold-weather league (with the unexplained exception of Michael Parkhurst) and ended up playing in chilly but by no means arctic conditions. But then, acclimation must have been a secondary concern; he was undoubtedly taking this tough friendly as an opportunity to continue his patient wooing of our much-vaunted half-Americans, specifically our German natives. For the most part, that too seemed a bit of a misfire: our particularly coy Tim Chandler (will he or won't he seems an odd question to have to ask when nobody seems to be asking it in German) was probably the best of the Bundesliga denizens, but that wasn't saying much, especially since Danny Williams effectively picked up an assist for the Russians and Fabian Johnson never quite seemed himself. Molde's Josh Gatt oscillated between respectable competence and silly mistakes, but he didn't make much impact in his first start. And Brondby's Clarence Goodson, admittedly in a tough position and certainly a better player than he showed today, almost sank the Americans by giving away a completely avoidable penalty kick. For most of the game, however, it was the trusted first-team veterans who kept us in contention. Howard's heroics covered a multitude of the back-line's sins, and Bradley's superb goal against the run of play proved that the Yanks weren't out of it yet. In a final twenty minutes that showed a far superior effort from the Americans, Sacha Kljestan made a powerful argument for a permanent first XI position, and Maurice Edu, likely relishing the chance to play at all, put in a solid performance that likely goes a long way toward erasing the disappointments of last year. Similarly improved was Jozy Altidore, who, though not crowned in glory on this occasion, showed quite well, a few mistakes excepted. But it was Agudelo, who performed admirably on the attack, and the late substitutions of Terence Boyd (who at his club is performing similar heroics to Jozy, and in far more defensive-minded Austria) and Mix Diskerud who personally won the improbable last-minute equalizer that gave the Americans a result they would only have dreamed of at the end of the first half. And with that final (and quite excellent) kick, Klinsmann's gambles seemed to have paid a little back. A goal like that is good insurance for Mix's lately flagging loyalties, and Jurgen might pay them back by calling him in next year. As for the rest of his targets: better luck next time. Let's hope something else convinces them to stick around.

Howardtim_supplied Howard
Gattjoshua_isi_usmntmj011713002 Gatt
Altidorejozy_supplied Altidore
Gomezherculez_isi_usmntjt0325131243 Gomez
Jonesjermaine_ Jones
Williamsdanny Williams
Bradleymichael Bradley
Chandlertimothy Chandler
Geoff_cameron_-_qpr_-_headshot_-_2019 Cameron
Bocanegracarlos_chivas Bocanegra
Supplied_johnsonfabian_ Johnson
Klinsmanjurgen_isi_usmnt_jd_06092012_025_200 Klinsmann
Terrence_boyd_-_asn_headshot_-_kaiserslautern_2022 Boyd
Edumaurice Edu
Goodsonclarence_sanjose Goodson
Agudelojuan Agudelo
Sacha_kljestan_-_orlando_-_headshot Kljestan
Mix_-_ulsan Diskerud

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