Ratings for: U.S.

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John Hail

almost 11 years

I'm probably under rating Beckerman a bit, but I think it was the idea of a deep center mid that freed space more than what KB actually did. It seems silly to rate a coach for a friendly, but I liked the bold 4-4-2 move that seemed to really work well for is. Bradley = stud. Rimando has to be the world's best 3rd string goalie, right? Did Dempsey play?

Rimandonick Rimando
Dempsey_clint.supplied Dempsey
Wondolowskichris Wondolowski
Davisbrad_ Davis
Bradleymichael Bradley
Beckermankyle Beckerman
Graham_zusi_-_skc_-_headshot_-_2019 Zusi
Parkhurst_michael_supplied Parkhurst
Beslermatt_ Besler
Omar_gonzalez_-_us_soccer_headshot_-_2019 Gonzalez
Supplied_beltrant Beltran
Klinsmanjurgen_isi_usmnt_jd_06092012_025_200 Klinsmann
Landon_donovan_-_leon_-_headhot Donovan
Edumaurice Edu
Goodsonclarence_sanjose Goodson
Johnsoneddie_dc Johnson
Deandre_yedlin_-_asn_headshot_-_usmnt_2022 Yedlin
Julian_green_-_greuther_furth_-_headshot Green

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