Contest Standings


You may have noticed that the Leaderboard appears different than the last time you looked. That's because we are now
correctly showing your BEST SEVEN scores, which will be used to decide the Contest winner. (See rules here.) Good luck, everybody!

Rank User Score Perfect XIs
45 Joey DeLosa 29 1
45 Tom Blancarte 29 0
45 Servando Diaz 29 0
45 Noah Bartlett 29 0
45 seth 29 0
46 Jeremy Breakfield 28 1
46 Hayden Herrera 28 1
46 Jason Ogg 28 1
46 Paul Marciante 28 1
46 Daniel Miller 28 1
46 Matt Terhune 28 1
46 Shousel114 28 0
46 Amanda Hager 28 0
46 Andrew Beck 28 0
46 Jon Kalahar 28 0
46 Chris Luczkowiak 28 0
46 todd 28 0
47 Michelle F 27 1
47 Chris Kerr 27 0
47 Nick Kroeker 27 0