This lineup is from...
Casey Johnson
over 11 years
I think I would run some experiments and give some guys some rest. I'd throw Holden in at like 60 minutes or so. I'd be tempted to bring him on for Dempsey and go 4-3-3. I'd like to see Cameron in the middle again because Besler and Gonzalez are both relatively slow. Sacha plays in Belgium, let him have this one. I need Besler in the 2nd half--not sure if I'm resting Omar or swapping Cameron out to the right. There's a 2nd half spot out there for Edu somewhere, too. I'll bring off Jones and Dempsey both so that Beasley takes the armband at some point. I'd be trying out Johnson for this match and Hamid for Germany. I might consider something where Guzan and Howard each take a second half.