The Starting XI
This lineup is from...
J.P. Terrasi
over 12 years
This is as close to perfection you are going to find for our team to win right now. Sure I understand that Klinsmann loves his youth, especially his German influenced players but we need to win now. We can bring in the youth and pace as the game dictates but we need the stability and experience in the big games. I would love to include Stewart Holden when he gets healthy as he definitely brings something to the team when he's out there. I also would not hesitate to bring in Maurice Edu and Brek Shea when the need arises because both can score at will against the right defences. I also like Tim Ream and Eric Lichaj in the back because of their Premier League experience which you cannot deny is very valuable in big games because if you are starting over their they are big games every week. Again, I'm all for youth development but there is a time and place for that and certainly games and times to bring them in to get their experience but if you look at every major country team, they start their best and most experienced players coupled with the guys who are hot as well.. I.e. Wondo up front right now is key and as you can see Demspey is our most prolific goal scorer right now and has the range and tenacity to play where we need and we need goals to win. The sooner we get here the closer to perfection we are going to get and will see us not only qualify but regain the respect in the rankings that we deserve.