Fire power up front with altidore and demps followed up by midfielders with attacking mindsets in brek shea and donovan countered with the defensive mindsets of michael bradley and danny williams. The back four anchored in the middle by bocanegra with goodson being the question mark. I believe he is a talented player but has not gelled with bocanegra or any other player in the usa pool like gooch and bocanegra did before gooch's injury. Fabian Johnson and Timothy Chandler provide speed on the outside for the US counter in which they have been lacking for the past few years and behind them is a top 5 keeper in the world in Tim Howard.
Lucius Culpepper
about 12 years
Fire power up front with altidore and demps followed up by midfielders with attacking mindsets in brek shea and donovan countered with the defensive mindsets of michael bradley and danny williams. The back four anchored in the middle by bocanegra with goodson being the question mark. I believe he is a talented player but has not gelled with bocanegra or any other player in the usa pool like gooch and bocanegra did before gooch's injury. Fabian Johnson and Timothy Chandler provide speed on the outside for the US counter in which they have been lacking for the past few years and behind them is a top 5 keeper in the world in Tim Howard.