This lineup is from...
Jason McAdams
about 12 years
With the emergence of Geoff Cameron at CB, the back 4 is essentially set for the near future, along with Timmy in goal, of course. The real issues come in the midfield. Williams finally excelled at his natural CDM last time we met, so as much as the RSL fan in me would like to put Beckerman back there, it's Danny's spot to lose at the moment. If he's fit, MB90 is a no brainer, as is Landon. Against Jamaica, Zusi proved to be a great facilitator that gets the ball moving forward, similar to a younger Donovan. With 3 countries fighting for 2 spots, goal differential could come into play, so this lineup doesn't leave anything up to chance by refusing to park the bus. This lineup gets goals, but with enough stability behind them to likely ensure at least a 2-0 win, and more importantly, 3 points.