Contest Standings


You may have noticed that the Leaderboard appears different than the last time you looked. That's because we are now
correctly showing your BEST SEVEN scores, which will be used to decide the Contest winner. (See rules here.) Good luck, everybody!

Rank User Score Perfect XIs
7 Larry Montes 69 2
7 Ross Hanley 69 2
7 Matt 69 2
7 Ruben Pagan 69 2
7 Dave Scimeca 69 2
7 Ben K 69 2
7 Harden Spencer 69 2
7 Michael 69 2
7 Kyle Thompson 69 2
7 Jared Glowaski 69 2
7 John Esser 69 2
7 Charley smith 69 2
7 beth 69 2
7 Lance Harper 69 2
7 USAMell 69 2
7 Kevin_Amold 69 2
7 Devin Pleuler 69 2
7 Luke Sandblom 69 2
7 Glenn Schiefer 69 2
7 Daniel Ynfante 69 2