6916_klinsmannjurgen_isi_usmntjd0607161072 John Dorton/isiphotos.com

ASN Morning Read: Goodbye Jurgen Klinsmann?

I just remembered I had a dream last night that Klinsmann and I were riding around in a van on the way to a game (I wasn't starting) and he told me that he was leaving. Pretty sure it's not true. 
BY Noah Davis Posted
June 30, 2016
10:20 AM
  • "The bookmakers have slashed his odds and he is now the third favorite with Ladbrokes in the UK. It has to be said, Klinsmann’s name often comes up when jobs in England are available as just last week he was the favorite for the Southampton job with the bookies but that was wide of the mark. Yet, his name is always up there."

  • I would say that stories about betting odds are the least interesting thing of the potential Klinsmann to England thing.

  • England is crazy if they think Klinsmnan is the right guy for the job

  • A bunch of Copa America numbers

  • Cool photo, cool story

  • Toronto FC won something last night and I have it on good authority that this video is solid:
  • Happy end of June. Good goals:

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