How will the United States National Team Perform in the World Cup Group Stage?
Given the roster choices, given the formation shifts, given the competition, given everything you've seen to date, what do you expect to see from the Yanks in Group G? Graph your position on the X/Y axis below, and then share a few thoughts. Hover over any shaded cell to see what others have to say.
May 31, 2014 1:45 PM
May 31, 2014 1:45 PM
Three wins
Three losses
Will Make Americans Proud
Will Be Embarrassing
Oops my vagina fell out.
Amanda Bynes
9 points!
We(USMNT) win the world cup.
I'm fat.
Jurgen Klinsmann
Regardless of how he US performs, immature Donovan fanboys will find a way to complain and be a huge embarrassment for the country.
I agree with the guy next to me. The Lando fanboys will cry and complain about the team regardless how they do.
I have the team winning two games, getting 6 points and winning the group.
The Dragoon
Mexico and Costa Rica cruised to easy wins, flattering the CONCACAF winner USA!
Amanda Bynes
7 pts and 3 great performances
7 points
Jason Ortiz
6 Points. Why the hell not? We can beat Ghana, and Portugal, in the Jungle... who knows. We've played in the worst conditions of anyone, from snow to islands to smog. If anyone can shock the Portuguese, it's us. 6 Points, We finish 2nd behind Germany's 7.
Exorcise demons vs. Ghana, and pull of a surprise win vs. Portugal or Germany
Two wins and a draw, cristiano goes back home crying...and shirtless
2 Wins in the group and a Quarter Final Appearance
5 points, lose to Argentina in the Quarterfinals.
Beat Ghana and get the proverbial monkey off our back. Contain Portugal and get the result. Shock Germany to win the Group. Loved Beckerman and Jones as the holding mids yesterday.
Second place in the group. Ghana and Portugal aren't up to the hype.
Mike W
6/16: US 2 Ghana 1
Portugal 2 Germany 2
6/22: US 1 Portugal 1
Germany 3 Ghana 1
6/26: Portugal 3 Ghana 0
US 0 Germany 0
We get 5 points but don't advance.
John R
Scrappy tie 0-0 against Ghana
Tie to Portugal Jozy outstanding 1-1 Bradley scores.
Shock Confederations Cup- esque win against an already qualified Germany.
1 win, 1 draw, no round of 16, and the general sporting public will continue to make snide remarks about soccer, and will ingnore the USMNT again until 2018
I just crapped my pants.
Barack Obama
Was it big?
<---- I think this could definitely happen, with a limping Cristiano and a banged up Germany team we could get a win potentially out of either game but probably not both, plus a win from Ghana.
I did not think Klinsmann made the right call leaving LD at home--still not sure about that--but the team has improved each game of the sendoff series and we are a real threat for the #2 (or even #1!) spot in Group G. Go USA!
2 wins and a loss - lose to Argentina in the quarters
Go US!
5 points - win against Ghana and draws against Portugal and a Germany team resting its starters
We finish 2nd in the group and play Belgium in the round of 16.
5 pts and on to the round 16! Go Go USA!
Julian Green
Draw and a win. How proud Americans will be will depend on if 4 points is enough to get out of the group.
One win, two losses. (But the win won't be the one we're expecting.)
They will progress. They will get at least 4 pts and surprise everyone!
6 point second place in the group behind the brutal Germany squad. Get bounced shortly thereafter, but feel good about playing the World Cup Champion Germany squad close.
We play well against Ghana and Portugal but can't handle the talent of Germany. Six points and through to the round of 16.
lets do this
chris j
We can do it!!
1 win. Will def make us proud
We'll get a good result somewhere. We'll impress people with our tough play against some of the world's best and will leave the tournament feeling like we did all we could. Don't think we'll make it out but we won't feel despair. We'll have acquitted ourselves well.
The U.S. will play a good game, but not good enough to get them past the Group Stage. Probably a loss vs Germany and Portugal and a win vs Ghana. At least they'll go down in style.
Aleks V
They can play well enough to compete with any team in the group. Who knows what the record will be after 3 games.
Draw Ghana
Beat Portugal
Draw Germany
Loss to Belgium
Amanda Bynes
2 wins Ghana, Portugal
4 points is doable. Would be a great showing with a chance to advance.
The Rationalist
Better than expected. Jozy texted me last night and asked if I wanted to go get sandwiches. They were quite good but not enough mayo for my liking.
One win, maybe a tie, won't get through but will play well
They probably won't go on but will look strong
May not get out of the Group but they'll make us proud.
We won't embarrass ourselves, but our guys, even at their best, are not as good as their guys, who will presumably be at their best.
Marc E
I feel like it will come down to goal difference between Portugal and the U.S. (they both get 4 points)to decide who makes it thru. That being said whether they make it or not, I think they will shock the mainstream and few other doubters along the way
Ghana Witch Doctor
I think they will surprise people. They are a stronger squad than they get credit for!
please beat Ghana
4 points!
Probably 4 points and some great moments
Yank Twit
win against Ghana...tie Portugal and win against Germany because by the time they meet...It will be all decided. Germany and USA go thru.
I Believe We will WIN!
I think we're going to get through but there will be some bad soccer played and bad players on the field for us at times. Hopefully we can find a strong lineup by the knockout stages. And Jozy score a friggin goal!
No way 3 wins but a Ghana win and Portugal draw or win (neutralizing Ronaldo) "could" get us out of group play. Germany wins group.
I think it will be a rough go, perhaps a draw and 2 losses or 2 draws and a loss...but that being said, I think they will make us proud out there and give these teams a run for their money. This comes once every 4 years, let's sit back and enjoy it!
4 points--just not sure that gets us through.
I firmly believe that we will beat Ghana, draw Portugal, an draw Germany. Whether or not that will be enough, I suppose we will see.
Matt C
I want Landon Donovan to murder my vagina.
Amanda Bynes
<--- Amanda i think you're suffering from dementia.
Landon Donovan
Ghana1 US 1
Portugal 2 US 0
Germany 2 US 1
Anything is possible in this competition, so I will believe until I have reason not to. That being said, our back line is going to play with angels on our side...
Could go 0-3 or 3-0, depending on which USA team shows up. Realistically though, 1 point from Ghana, and 2 losses to POR and GER.
Maybe a tie, at least one loss, and hoping for a win, but not sure we will get any
It will be tough, but I feel like the recipe is right between lackluster preparation from the "big" teams, to the increasing competence among the current squad, we certainly have the potential to surprise teams... like we have at every world cup. Sometimes we advanced, others we didn't.
Michael p.
They'll get a win a draw and a loss. That may or may not be enough, but that's far from embarrassing.
AO 21
Hopeful for 1-1-1 and advance. 0-3 very possible. Defense too loose, switches off, play as a unit can be poor. Hopeful of getting more from Jozy than 65 mins of trotting around followed by post-game comments about how he gives it his all.
Back 4 is the key.
Two draws to Germany and a frisky Ghana impress, but a narrow loss in the middle to a largely-CR-free Portugal team is the killer. Third in this group and... um... moral victory?
I see a win and two losses -- not enough to advance but nothing that will set the program back a decade. It's a hellacious group, and JK won't be axed afterward.
I see us getting 4 points but not out of the group due to goal differential. But we Americans are full of surprises so who knows.
Alex R
2pts- ties against Ghana and Germany. Bad loss to Portugal.
One win two loses
Bill Nye just took a dump on my chest.
Neil Degrasse Tyson
Tough draw
Damn nigga yalls nasty. Why ain'tcha invite ya boo, Betts?
Betty White
Too many changes too close to the tournament; not enough time to pull it off.
The team has to travel 9000 miles for three games. Ghana's attackers are on form while USMNT is totally green in the middle of their defense. Two losses and a tie for USMNT but wouldn't be surprised if the tie came vs. Germany assuming they wrap up with wins vs. Portugal and Ghana beforehand.
Jurgen is bringing a bag of tricks with him to Brazil instead of a proper 23 man squad. I think it's gutsy and clever, but the jury's out on whether or not it will work.
Three tough losses and or ties. But will lot good in general.
The guy above me seriously needs to get laid.
Stephen Colbert
They'll put in a good effort, but won't win any, unfortunately.
K Web
Klinsy has put a team together for 2018. 2014? Not so much, or Donovan would be on roster.
JJ Kool K
No forwards that can play
No way we get out of the group but maybe we can eke out a result vs Ghana. If we lose that one the implosion will be immediate and it will be something to behold. Jurgen set himself up for disaster with this roster. The reckoning is coming.
Somewhere between 0-2-1 to 1-1-1. We will perform somewhat competently. I firmly believe we are preparing for 2018.
Greg Hurley
Group is too tough, experience from our boys too light. They'll do their best, but crash out.
According to superofficialworldcuppredictor.com, things won't be a complete embarrassment, but USA won't make it out of the group.
I'm feeling 0 or 1 points, with 1 goal scored total. Ugh.
John C
This is so gay.
Neil Patrick Harris
Draw/Win against Ghana, but don't expect the defense to hold up against Germany or Portugal.
I honestly think we are looking at a maximum of three points, with a couple 2 goal losses against Portugal and Germany. There are just too many question marks with this team.
Should have brought Donovan.
fire klinsman.
The USA will score one or two horrible scramble goals while going 0-3. Would have been no different if Donovan was on the roster.
Charles Hatfield
Will lose three, as expected, but won't be an embarrassment. It's been expected, and absolutely nothing to change the expectation. John Brooks is probably in the picture to start, now.
2 losses (Germany, Portugal) and a redeeming win over Ghana.
Won't advance, but it will a decent showing in the Group of Death.
Win over ghana
Tie with Portugal
Lose to Germany
^basically, our only chances of improving. but do you really think we'll score more goals against Ghana than portugal? Don't make it out of the group, but will make us proud.
Expect the team to go 0-3.
Its not going to happen.
Disaster in the making. We get the Group of Death and our coach just gives up and pick kids that oughta be playing for youth sides over seasoned veterans.
Stephen Hawking
<-- the whole "seasoned veterans" argument is complete crap, especially in the world cup. do your research
j. green
Our back line will be our downfall. We exit Brazil with 0 points.
After a L to Ghana the boys colapse
Sad but true
Worst showing since France 98
I want to sit on Mike Bradley's face and leave a slug trail down his big bald head
Betty White