Give Us Your Take on the 2016 Copa America Centenario Tournament
In the summer of 2016 the best teams from South America, Central America, and North America will battle it out on U.S. soil for multi-continental bragging rights. We want your take on the Copa America Centenario, so graph your point of view below and share some thoughts. To reader what others think, hover over any shaded cell.
May 01, 2014 12:45 PM
May 01, 2014 12:45 PM
This Will Be Bigger than the Euros
I foresee many logistical problems
Yanks Will Contend for the Title
The U.S. Will Be Humiliated
Clear your calendar, between Euros and Copa America...footie all day.
Assuming CAC is on the FIFA calendar and send A-teams, will be a massive, massive event.
Double Dipping
Yes this will be bigger and better than the Euros.
No matter how the US plays (almost), this is a HUGE tournament to have played at home. AWESOME!
Johnny Franz
I'm so excited
Bobby Drex
We'll make a good run, but probably won't win (but definitly go further than mexico). Truthfully it will be as big as the Euro, but european "we are the greatest soccer continent" will probably overshadow it.
Not a robot
The US and Mexico should be part of every Copa America.
If it gets on the FIFA calendar and the squads are even at 80% strength, then this will be INCREDIBLE! I'm pretty pumped about it. Just imagine- Julian Green proving himself as a STAR against Messi, Neymar, and Falcao. Chills.
Matt C
This is going to be huge...but only if the best players from the major countries are allowed to participate. Here's hoping that they are.
Logistically, it will be fine. Competitively, the US will bow.
Crush. Kill. Destroy.
Big tournament, not bigger than Euros because not all players will likely be available. US will do well enough to get out of their group and win the first knockout.
Very excited for this
Jake Campbell
will lead to great things
By 2016 we will have lost some of our old superstars and it will be up to how the youth develops. I think it will be on par with the Euros the first time. Huge potential though
Kyle S
With 2015 confederation tournaments and 2016 olympics teams will send less than full strength squads. Hopefully the US is close to full strength and makes the final four.
With Klinsi this could be a good deal, but then again it seems to go against the grain with the timing of the other FIFA tournaments. This could all be a marketing schtick to make the tournament matter even though it won't in terms of WC qualification
No way
It took me way too long to relise this comment is a joke